Don't Let
'Vision Impairment'
Impair Your Life

Overcome the challenges that a life with low vision throws at you. Learn about the essential skills, assistive tools, hacks & techniques that can make your life better. Sign up for the Vision Puzzles MasterClass & pay what feels right to you.

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Are You Struggling With Low Vision
Or Know Someone Who Is?

You may know people with perfect eyesight or people who require prescription lenses or surgery to correct their vision. On the other hand, you may have also come across people who are completely blind or only have light perception.

Somewhere in between, there is a group of people with low vision, people who experience moderate & severe vision loss that’s uncorrectable by usual means, interfering with their life & their abilities to do things.

If you are one of them or know someone who is, you can learn how to maneuver through life with low vision at Vision Puzzles.

Blurry Vision

Trouble Focusing

Low Visual Acuity

Light Sensitivity

Contrast Sensitivity

Slow Adaptation

Color Vision Deficiency

Degenerative Condition

No Available Cure

Find Answers To Things That Puzzle You
About Living Life With Low Vision

You may experience eye strain, difficulty reading, mobility challenges, trouble recognizing things, and a lot more, due to vision impairment. You may have to face various obstacles in several aspects of your life because of low vision. Vision Puzzles intends to help you overcome some of these problems & find workarounds for others. Here’s what you learn about in the Vision Puzzles MasterClass –

Essential Skills

What do you need to learn & why?

Assistive Tools

Tech & things to help you do your tasks

Hacks & Techniques

To increase efficiency & ease


How & from where can you learn?


Options & Opportunities


Interaction & Inclusivity


Environment & Daily Chores


Mobility & Commute


Tips & Toolkit

Eye Q

Visual Intelligence

Emotional Wellbeing

Healthy Mindset & Emotional Balance

Helpful Resources

Support & Information

The Idea Behind
Vision Puzzles

Low vision makes your life much more challenging than it already is. You are stuck in between, and you have the skills & abilities of neither the sighted nor the blind. For example, you may find it hard to read regular printed text nor know how to read braille. Similarly, you may not be able to move around freely nor know how to use a cane. The lack of a cure for your eye condition & guidance doesn’t help either.

The idea is simple, like a school for the blind, Vision Puzzles is a school for people with low vision.


Nishant Garg

Helping People with Low Vision

After decades of living with vision impairment, consulting several doctors, being diagnosed with four different eye conditions over the years, and trying various eye treatments, I believe I can guide you on how to manage life with low vision. I am an entrepreneur plus a business & marketing consultant, working efficiently for 15 years despite all obstacles. I am married & I am a parent of two beautiful kids. I keep learning new things & upskilling myself like any other competent person. I want to share my experience & teach how I do this to add value to the lives of people struggling with low vision.

Collective Intelligence

We Are Smarter Together

Let’s come together to build a knowledge repository backed by people with vision impairment from all around the world. We can share our insights, find better ways to do things, & help each other overcome challenges to make all our lives better.

The objective is to support & enable each other to accomplish more in life against all odds. So if you live with vision impairment & believe you’ve found more efficient ways of overcoming challenges, share your insights via email at [email protected].

Learn How To Manage
Life With Low Vision

Sign up for the Vision Puzzles MasterClass at a price that feels right to you.